Επιστροφή στο Forum : Ερμής (1) [Hermes, Jupiter]

Nicholas Peppas
28-01-2009, 17:31
Hermes (built in 1915, 2,625 tons) was the first of three vessels with such a name. She was with Epirotiki from 1955 to 1960. Before that she was Jupiter and was based in Bergen, Norway. She was doing the route England-Bergen. Nice ship (see attached). But I had not mentioned her before because I do not believe she was doing normal passenger routes in Greece. In fact, http://www.theshipslist.com/ships/lines/bergen.htm presents her as a cruise ship

What happened to her after 1960?

NB: I am preparing a short story on Norwegian ships that were bought by Greek passenger lines. I will post it later tonight (I am in Austin, TX, -8 hours with Athens; that's why most of my messages are posted as you ladies and gentlemen wake up...


29-01-2009, 16:19
You are absolutely right.

Hermes (built in 1915, 2,625 tons) was the first of three vessels with such a name. She was with Epirotiki from 1955 to 1960. Before that she was Jupiter and was based in Bergen, Norway. She was doing the route England-Bergen. Nice ship (see attached). But I had not mentioned her before because I do not believe she was doing normal passenger routes in Greece. In fact, http://www.theshipslist.com/ships/lines/bergen.htm presents her as a cruise ship

What happened to her after 1960?

Αυτό που έχω διαβάσει είναι πως το 1960 καταστράφηκε από πυρκαγιά στον Πειραιά -ή κάπου γύρω- και προσαράχτηκε, πιθανώς για να αποφευθεί βύθιση. Κατόπιν πουλήθηκε για διάλυση στο Σπλιτ.

Roi Baudoin
29-01-2009, 18:48
The greatphotographer and writterLaurence Dunnhas written an excellent book with the title
"Mediterranean Shipping" ("Carmania Press").
On that book Laurence Dunn refered to the first "Hermes" of Epirotiki:

"The Hermes (1915/2557) became Epirotiki's largest passenger ship when she was bought in 1955. She was built as the 16-knot Jupiter for the Bergen Line's service from Bergen to Newcastle and, apart from North Aplantic liners, was the fastest vessel under the Norwegian flag.

Her career as the "Hermes" included a French charter for use between Maseilles and Odessa and a stint as a hotel ship during the production of the film "Boy and Dolphin".
Shiprepair yards are notorious for outbreaks of fire, and whilst refitting at Piraeus in 1960 the Hernes burned and became a total loss."

Στα καταστρώματα του πρέπει να περπάτησε, λοιπόν, η Σοφία Λώρεν.
Η Ύδρα, "Το παιδί και το δελφίνι" και ένα τραγούδι του Τάκη Μωράκη από την ταινία
"Τι είναι αυτό που το λένε αγάπη, τι ειν' αυτό;"

Αφιερωμένο εξαιρετικά.
Το πρώτο "Ερμής" της Ηπειρωτικής από το βιβλίο του Laurence Dunn.


Nicholas Peppas
29-01-2009, 20:54
I have avoided bringing up photographs and facts from Mediterranean Shipping of Laurence Dunn because it is such a standard reference that I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that everybody has a copy...

I am astonished by the great quality of his photographs, especially when it comes to the very early ships

For those who do not know the book, Dunn has pictures (and small comments) about the following Greek ships (year of building in parenthesis).

Sofia (1918), Hellas (1893), Frinton (1903), Heliopolis (1903), Ionion (1893), Kalamara (1898, spelled as Cala Mara (sic)), Teti (1943), Philippos (1940), Aegeon (1911), Kolokotronis (1952), Glaros (1904), Agamemnon (1953), Kanaris (1952), Semiramis (1935), Apollon (1953), Aphrodite (1965), Hermes (1915), second Hermes (1930), third Hermes (1956), Media (1936), Isthmia (1929), Egnatia (1960), Corinthia (1956), Mediterranean (1908), Hellas (1935), Mykonos (1944), Atlantica (1931), Herakleion (1949), Kentauros (1941), Esperos (1939), Marilena (1911) and many other post-1950 vessels for longer routes or ocean liners for the USA and Australia.

I am sure that Roi Baudoin, I and others can scan some of these, as long as we do not violate international copyright

29-01-2009, 22:06
From the book CRUISING SHIPS by W. H. Mitchell and L. A. Sawyer Editions Macdonald, another photo


Nicholas Peppas
29-01-2009, 22:40
Wonderful picture


Roi Baudoin
29-01-2009, 22:47
In Greece, it's not very common to find all these books.
I have bought many of these books from a Booshop in Piraeus.
One of these is the famous "Mediterranean Shipping" of Laurence Dunn.

I believe that it's important to scan some photos of these books and maybe somebody can buy then a book that is special interested in.
Nowdays, it's easier to find them in INTERNET.

Another important source of photos is, of course, O.L.P.

Nicholas Peppas
29-01-2009, 23:05
In Greece, it's not very common to find all these books.
I have bought many of these books from a Booshop in Piraeus.
One of these is the famous "Mediterranean Shipping" of Laurence Dunn.

I believe that it's important to scan some photos of these books and maybe somebody can buy then a book that is special interested in.
Nowdays, it's easier to find them in INTERNET.

Another important source of photos is, of course, O.L.P.

Believe me, it is equally difficult to find them in many "smaller" US cities. But some of them, Baltimore, Boston, San Francisco, have wonderful maritime books. Also I have found many in Melbourne, Amsterdam, Barcelona and (of all places) in Kahului (Maui), Hawaii!

I have a library of about 300 such books from throughout the world. I will share special photographs of some of them with you. I am now scanning some wonderful pictures of a 1904 Hamburg-Amerika Linie book on Mediterranean Cruises (yes, 105 years ago!) to Greece, Asia Minor, Constantinople, Italy, and Dalmatia. Four different German ships. I wonder where I should post them...

29-01-2009, 23:15
Nομίζω πως θα ταιριάξει στην ενότητα "Ιστορικά Κρουαζιερόπλοια".

12-03-2009, 19:26
Από την ιστοσελίδα: http://www.hurtigrutene.info/ (http://www.hurtigrutene.info/)


Nicholas Peppas
12-03-2009, 19:29
Από την ιστοσελίδα: http://www.hurtigrutene.info/ (http://www.hurtigrutene.info/)


they look more impressive in real pictures, don't you think?

12-03-2009, 19:56
Συμφωνώ απολύτως!!!

they look more impressive in real pictures, don't you think?

13-04-2010, 13:02
Η καταστροφή του πλοίου στο Ξαβέρι το οδήγησε στα διαλυτήρια και ιστορικά στην αφάνεια μιας και ελάχιστοι το θυμούνται (και ακόμη λιγότεροι το ξεχωρίζουν απο το 2ο Ερμή).
Πάντως η πυρκαγιά είχε απασχολήσει τον τύπο της εποχής.


Από το ηλ.αρχείο της Εθνικής βιβλιοθήκης και η παρακάτω θλιβερή εικόνα του καβουρδισμένου πλοίου προσαραγμένο στα ρηχά στα Σελήνια, σαν πλοίο φάντασμα.

The burned out Hermes, ran ashore at Selinia, Salamis.

20-04-2010, 22:18
here a picture from the HERMES ( thanks ellinis)
it is from the german travel magazin MERIAN


25-04-2010, 22:14
Στο αρχείο του ΟΛΠ υπάρχουν απίθανες φωτογραφίες που έχουμε ήδη δει. Όσο όμως τις κοιτάω όλο και κάτι παραπάνω βλέπω. Εδώ παρατήρησα ένα κρυμμένο Ερμή.

Hermes, a detail from a photo of the Piraeus port authority archives.


Nicholas Peppas
19-11-2010, 05:59
Oμορφη καρτ ποσταλ του Ερμης. Πηγη: www.delcampe.com


06-03-2011, 11:45
Πρόσφατα ανακάλυψα ένα σπουδαίο αρχείο από καρτ ποστάλ, ανάμεσα στις οποίες και πολλές με καραβολατρικό ενδιαφέρον.
Σε αυτή παρακάτω οι τουρίστες έχουν πάρει τον ανήφορο στους λόφους της Δήλου και πίσω τους διακρίνεται αγκυροβολημένο το πλοίο που τους μετέφερε. Αν και η λεζάντα λέει 1961, πρέπει να είναι το πρώτο ΕΡΜΗΣ του Ποταμιάνου που ταξίδεψε από το 1955 ως το 1960.


08-02-2015, 21:49
Μια πλήρης παρουσίαση της ιστορίας του JUPITER από το βιβλίο "Cross Channel and Short Sea Ferries: An Illustrated History". Το 1955 αντικαταστάθηκε στη γραμμή του από το νεότευκτο LEDA που αργότερα ήρθε και αυτό στην Ελλάδα ως ΑΛΜΠΑΤΡΟΣ.


17-03-2017, 14:01
To κουφάρι του ΕΡΜΗΣ, όπως το άφησε η μανία της πυρκαγιάς που το κατέστρεψε. Λίγο πολύ παρόμοια κατάσταση με αυτή του ΠΑΛΛΑΣ ΑΘΗΝΑΣ τριάντα τέσσερα χρόνια αργότερα. Η φωτογραφία είχε ανέβει στο ebay με λεζάντα "Greek cargo ship 1960" αλλά χωρίς αμφιβολία είναι ο άτυχος ΕΡΜΗΣ.


17-03-2017, 15:35
Σπανιο και συλλεκτικο ντοκουμεντο!!!