Επιστροφή στο Forum : Θράκη [Ευστράτιος -Thraki, Eustratios, Pilion, Kypros, Elliniko Ypaithro, Tiger Hill]

Nicholas Peppas
21-06-2009, 16:56
Thraki was a well known Greek passenger ship that became internationally known because of its end as Tiger Hill!

Thraki (Thrace when she was built) was the second of the triumvirate of Albania/Thraki/Ionia that were built by McMillan of Dumbarton in 1887 for the Panhellenic (Panhellenios) of Piraeus. They all lasted more than 45 years and were used for long distance passenger service due to their tonnage. For Albania/Alkmini see http://www.nautilia.gr/forum/showthread.php?t=63862
For Ionia/Katherina/Lemnos see http://www.nautilia.gr/forum/showthread.php?p=221100#post221100

Thrace/Thraki had a tonnage of 1481 tons, a length of 80.5 m, a width of 10.4 m and a service speed of 13 knots. She was built for a Greek company along with Ionia and Albania! In case you did not get it, these were days of renewed national enthusiasm. The Ionian islands had been returned to Greece twenty years earlier Thessaly and Arta had joined Greece just a while earlier... So, the national imagination was galloping with Albania, Thraki and Ionia, and the Greeks living in those Ottoman provinces...

Here is an announcement from the Marine Engineer of May 11, 1887. It must be note that the ship was named Thrace, but took the name Thraki as soon as she arrived in Greece the same year (Miramar is wrong, see below)! From now on I will call her Thraki


The vessel was 80.5 m long and 10.4 m wide and had, as I said, a speed of 13 knots. She had triple expansion engines producing 1,700 HP. She was fitted with handsome first and second class facilities. Albania, Thraki and Ionia are described collectively in another issue of the Marine Engineer later in 1887. Their technical characteristics vary a bit, but one interesting detail (similar to that of other British and French passenger ships) is that they were built with the idea to be easily converted to naval vessels during any necessary, upcoming wars...

Her Clydebuilt entry is here http://www.clydesite.co.uk/clydebuilt/viewship.asp?id=12465 (http://www.clydesite.co.uk/clydebuilt/viewship.asp?id=12464)

Miramar lists her as follows

IDNo: 5614236 Year: 1887
Name: THRACE Launch Date: 9.4.87
Type: Passenger/cargo Date of completion:
Flag: GRC Keel:
Tons: 1481 Link: 1258
DWT: Yard No: 278
Length overall: Ship Design:
LPP: 80.5 Country of build: GBR
Beam: 10.4 Builder: McMillan
Material of build: Location of yard: Dumbarton
Number of screws/Mchy/ Speed(kn): 1T-
Owner as Completed: Navigation Ξ“* Vapeur Panhellenique, Piraeus
End: 1940
Disposal Data: beached Haifa 1.9.39 & bu in situ 1940

THRACE 1481 1887 Panhellenique
THRAKI 1481 1910 Panhellenique
EUSTRATIOS 1481 1916 Pandeli Bros
PILION 1481 1930 Hellenic Coast
CYPRUS 1481 1933 Hellenic Coast
KYPROS 1481 1935 Hellenic Coast
ELLINICO YPETHRO 1481 1938 T.Papadimitriou
TIGER HILL 1481 1939 General SS Co

Thraki was with the Panhellenic (Panhellenios) of Piraeus from 1887 to 1916. Here is an oil painting of her, a rather poor reproduction. It shows her very small although she was a big and glorious ship


During that time she took over some of the longest routes of the company as she was considered a trans-Mediterranean ship. She was particularly used in the Cretan route (f) and th Trieste route (k) of the 1892 schedule below.


Nicholas Peppas
21-06-2009, 17:28
Thraki was with the Panhellenic (Panhellenios) of Piraeus from 1887 to 1916.

In 1916, Thraki was purchased by the Pandelis Brothers and renamed Eustratios.

Soon thereafter she was requisitioned by the Greek government and the Allies and acted as a troops transport ship. On April 4, 1918 she was torpedoed 5 miles off Boulogne, France by U-boat UC 78 under captain Hans Kukat. See http://www.uboat.net/wwi/ships_hit/2073.html She suffered severe damage but was repaired in Toulon, France and became available for passenger routes in 1919.

I have said a few things about the company here http://www.nautilia.gr/forum/showpos...7&postcount=52 (http://www.nautilia.gr/forum/showpost.php?p=214257&postcount=52) and I reproduce them here.

In her book A history of Greek-owned shipping, Gelina Harlaftis mentions Pandelis as one of the important shipowners who started in Propontis and Asia Minor and were active from 1908 to the 1960s.


In their book Emporio kai Trapezes ston Peiraia, Melios, Bafouni and Steinhauer (IMTIIE, Piraeus, 2002) provide valuable information about the Pandelis Shipping Company.

The Astrapi mentioned above is not the Astrapi/Kronos that we have featured in these pages.

The Pandelis family had also major dealings in insurance. I attach here some notes about their insurance company Propontis In which you will note that N. Kyriakides is also involved. Kyriakides was the owner of the the third sister of ships, the Albania/Alkmini. More about N. Kyriakides and his company can be found in http://www.nautilia.gr/forum/showpost.php?p=200593&postcount=3


Nicholas Peppas
21-06-2009, 17:49
Eustratios was a very active ship during the Asian Minor catastrophe and saved many people. http://www.kromnaioi.gr/pages/kalamaria_1922.htm
And here is another document about their philhanthropy
All this makes it even more difficult to understand later actions of members of this family. See http://www.nautilia.gr/forum/showthread.php?t=56419&page=6

Nicholas Peppas
21-06-2009, 18:03
And now I append several ads of Eustratios in the 1920s that present her full range of travel.

September 19, 1922; August 8, 1923; August 12, 1923


Here are more ads of Eustratios in 1924

September 27, 1924; October 23, 1924


Here are more ads of Eustratios in 1925

April 24, 1925; June 13, 1925; July 16, 1925


Nicholas Peppas
21-06-2009, 18:15
In 1930, the ship was transferred to Hellenic Coast Lines and named Pilion. Then, she was saved from the 1932 mandatory retirement (she was only 45 years old), renamed Kypros in 1933 and continued for a few more years...

Here is a truly impressive schedule of Kypros from June 1934 that included a stop even in Tripolis, Cyrinaica (now Libya) that by that time had become an Italian colony. NB: Appia 1978 corrected me. This is Tripolis, Lebanon (see below)


In 1938, the ship was sold to a certain T. Papadimitriou and given a truly unusual name ... Ellhnikos Ypaithron! I know nothing about this shipowner and transformation!

In 1939 Kypros was sold to the General Steamshipping Co. She was named Tiger Hill and has remained truly famous with this name!

For example,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliyah_Bet writes

The Tiger Hill, (Aliyah Bet), formerly the Kypros was a 1,499 ton ship, built in 1887, sailed from Constanta on August 3, 1939, with about 750 refugees aboard. She took on board the passengers from the Frossoula, another illegal immigrant ship that was marooned in Lebanon. On September 1, the first day of the war, she ran up on the beach at Tel Aviv after being fired upon by British gunboats. Hans Schneider, a Jewish refugee on the Tiger Hill, was the first victim of the conflict.

Here are two dramatic photographs of Tiger Hill at the beach of Tel Aviv (which at that time was a very small community).

First, Tiger Hill beached

And then the same ship (right) after a few days next to another emigrant ship, the Parita (see also http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/media_ph.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005519&MediaId=2520)

The German site http://www.wlb-stuttgart.de/seekrieg/ksp/schwarzmeer/juden_flucht_schiffe.htm writes. Regrettably the allegation of Tiger Hill being another 1890 Greek ship (Zeinikos) is incorrect. But the rest is rather accurate

Das Beispiel sollte Schule machen. Die Mossad-Agenten Yosef Bar-Pal und Ruth Klüger hatten den griechischen Dampfer ZEINIKOS (1890, o. BRT) mit finanzieller Hilfe des Bukarester jüdischen Bankiers George Mandel für eine Fahrt nach Palästina gechartert. Schon als das nun TIGER HILL genannte Schiff in Varna repariert wurde, waren 54 bulgarische "Halutzim" an Bord gelangt, und nachdem es am 27.6. zur endgültigen Ausrüstung nach Braila verlegt war, kamen weitere 45 aus Lettland, Litauen und Berlin dazu, Flüchtlinge, die auf eigene Faust nach Rumänien gekommen waren, um hier auf eine Gelegenheit zur Mitfahrt zu warten. 36)

Tiger Hill vor Tel Aviv gestrandet
Inzwischen hatte Großbritanien als Gegenleistung für eine zu gewährende Anleihe von Rumänien die Verhinderung der Abfahrt weiterer illegaler Einwandererschiffe verlangt, und der Ministerpräsident Armand Calinescu hatte die Schließung der rumänischen Grenzen für Transporte illegaler Auswanderer verfügt, gerade als der für die TIGER HILL geplante und von Yulik Braginski in Warschau zusammengestellte Zug mit 501 "Halutzim " die polnisch-rumänischen Grenze erreichte. Durch Bestechung des Stationsvorstehers am Grenzbahnhof konnte Ruth Klüger den Zug nach Constanta durchbringen, wo die TIGER HILL die polnischen "Halutzim" und weitere 158 Flüchtlinge von der Warteliste der jüdischen Gemeinde in Bukarest an Bord nehmen sollte. Aber, der Weisung Calinescus entsprechend, wurde der Zug auf ein bewachtes Abstellgleis geschoben. Mit Unterstützung George Mandels gelang es Ruth Klüger, zum Innenminister Gheorghe Tatarescu und sogar zum König Carol vorzudringen und schließlich den Außenminister Gregore Gafencu zu einer Intervention zu veranlassen, so dass das Schiff mit seinen nun 729 Passagieren auslaufen konnte.

Für die Landung war das Schiff mit drei Motorbooten ausgerüstet und hatte ein weiteres kleineres Fahrzeug im Schlepp. Der erste Annäherungsversuch musste jedoch abgebrochen werden, und die TIGER HILL lief nach Beyrouth ein. Hier übernahm es die aus der Quarantäne entlassenen Passagiere der FROSSOULA. Mit seinen nun 1417 Menschen an Bord traf es am 1.9., dem Tag des Kriegsausbruchs in Europa, vor Tel Aviv ein. Nachdem der griechische Kapitän und die Besatzung das Schiff verlassen hatten, steuerte es unter der Führung von Levi Schwartz die Küste an, doch wurde es etwa eine halbe Seemeile vom Strand entfernt von dem Wachboot LORNA gestellt. Ohne auf die Stoppsignale zu achten und trotz des Maschinenwaffenfeuers der LORNA, bei dem zwei Einwanderer umkamen, setzte Schwartz die TIGER HILL bei Sukria, nahe Tel Aviv, auf Strand. Die "Haganah" hatten inzwischen an der Küste Tausende von Einwohnern mobilisiert, um die Landung zu unterstützen. Es gelang etwa 300 der Passagiere, an Land unterzutauchen, ehe die Polizeikräfte einschreiten konnten. 37)

Mit weniger Aufsehen und Behinderungen erreichten einige andere Schiffe um die gleiche Zeit die palästinensische Küste. Der Mossad-Agent Shmarya Zameret hatte in Juli 1939 in Holland den Dampfer DORA unbemerkt mit fast 500 aus Deutschland geflohenen Juden beladen können. Am 12.8. gelang dem Schiff die Landung bei Herzlia. Fünf kleinere Segler der Mossad mit 297 Flüchtlingen kamen im August an. Außerdem trafen um die Wende von August zum September der ehemals britische Dampfer BOUTEFOUR mit 729 Flüchtlingen von Constanta aus sowie die Schiffe KROTOVA und SYROS mit 650 bzw. 593 Flüchtlingen von Fiume aus in Palästina ein. 38)

Als ein besonders erfolgreicher Unternehmer erwies sich der in Varna lebende Dr. Baruch Konfino. Er hatte bereits im Mai/Juni 1939 die Fahrt des Schiffes BERLICA MARIA mit 350 Flüchtlingen von Burgas nach Palästina organisiert. Nun kaufte er für die im Auftrag revisionistischer Gruppen tätige Firma Society Traffic Ltd. von der in Varna ansässigen Kupfererz-Bergwerk-Gesellschaft den in Finnland gebauten Holzfrachter RUDNITCHAR (1872, 269 BRT), der seit 1937 Erz zwischen Burgas und Varna sowie türkischen Häfen transportiert hatte. Auf einer Bootswerft in Varna ließ Konfino das Schiff als Flüchtlingsschiff herrichten. Im achteren Laderaum wurden in zwei Stockwerken, im vorderen großen Laderaum in drei Stockwerken Holzpritschen errichtet, so dass das Schiff ein Fassungsvermögen von zunächst gut 300, später 450 bis 500 Personen bekam. Ein Wassertank und Latrinen wurden eingebaut, außerdem auf dem Achterschiff ein Gerüst, auf dem 4 Kähne für die Ausschiffung der Auswanderer festgelascht wurden. Unter Führung von Kapitän Gorbatenko, einem Ukrainer bulgarischer Staatsangehörigkeit, brachte die RUDNITCHAR vom 1.bis 10.8. ohne Zwischenfälle 305 Revisionisten von Varna nach Palästina. Um die Landungen zu erleichtern und zusätzliche Flüchtlinge mitnehmen zu können, kaufte Konfino im August die in Varna liegenden Motorsegler BOPHA und KOOPERATOR und ließ in deren Laderaum ebenfalls zweistöckige Pritschengestelle sowie eine Latrine und Wassertanks einbauen. In Varna hatte Konfino inzwischen in einem Kursanatorium die drei oberen Stockwerke gemietet und dort Auswanderer einquartiert, die teilweise beträchtliche Summen hinterlegen mussten. Vom 30.8. ab nahm die RUDNITCHAR nacheinander in Varna, Constanta und Burgas 368 revisionistische Flüchtlinge an Bord und landete sie am 19.9. mit Hilfe der BOPHA und der mitgeführten vier kleinen Holzboote bei Herzlia. 39)

Nur zehn Tage später, am 29.9. ging die RUDNITCHAR bereits wiederum von Varna nach Braila in Rumänien, um hier einen Flüchtlingstransport an Bord zu nehmen. Am 26.10. kehrte sie nach Varna zurück und übernahm nun zusammen mit der KOOPERATOR die in Varna wartenden Flüchtlinge. Mit 457 Flüchtlingen ging Gorbatenko am 1.11. mit der KOOPERATOR im Schlepp in See, passierte den Bosporus und erreichte am Morgen des 7.11. das Gebiet von Rhodos, wo zunächst die Wasservorräte ergänzt wurden. Beim Versuch auszulaufen gerieten die Schiffe in einen schweren Sturm, und nur durch das seemännische Können von Gorbatenko gelang es, die Schiffe wieder in den Hafen zu bringen, um Notreparaturen vorzunehmen. Am Abend des 9.11. gingen beide Schiffe unter starkem Druck der italienischen Hafenbehörden wieder in See und trafen am 14.11. vor der palästinensischen Küste ein. Die Einwanderer stiegen an Bord der KOOPERATOR und der mitgeführten Holzboote und gingen ca. 25 km von Haifa bei Sydne Ali unbemerkt an Land. Am 27.11. war die RUDNITCHAR schon wider in Varna und wurde für eine neue Fahrt vorbereitet, nachdem ein weiterer Motorsegler ORLIK gekauft worden war. Am 1.12 ging die RUDNITCHAR von Varna nach Sulina, um dort vom 17. bis 19.12. die mit einem DDSG-Schiff eingetroffenen Flüchtlinge zu übernehmen. Am 25.12. nahm sie die in Varna wartenden Flüchtlingen an Bord und ging am nächsten Tag mit der ORLIK im Schlepp in See. Am 7.1.1940 landeten beide Schiffe ihre fast 500 Passagiere erneut reibungslos. Am 20.1. kehrte die RUDNITCHAR nach Varna zurück und wurde nun von einer deutschen Firma für den Erztransport gechartert. 40)

And finally, I have a report from an eyewitness, Karel Hájek, who died on June 10, 2001 at the age of 81.


I don’t know how our captain heard of the Tiger Hill, another Greek freighter who, just like our Frossoula, sailed under Panamanian convenience flag. She too was carrying a cargo of emigrants but she had only been under way for a few days and had not yet been exposed as a smuggler of refugees. Over the radio, the two captains make a deal and they plan a new adventure.

Somewhere in the middle of the Mediterranean the Tiger Hill is waiting for us and the Frossoula makes for it with the greatest speed her old machinery is capable of delivering. We have spent more than four months on the sea, by the time we leave the Frossoula in her lifeboats and, in high waters, climb the rope ladders to board the Tiger Hill. We all change ship, we are all here - except for the three men who were shot and the woman who stayed in the hospital in Tripolis.

While the Frossoula sails away, we wave for the last time our good byes to the ship and maybe also to the rats who stayed on board.

It took the Tiger Hill two days to reach the Palestinian coast. We climb onto the lifeboats and steer toward the beach, the first beach we can set foot on in ages. The English caught us, to the last man, in no time at all. And when I woke up in the morning in the English refugee camp in the desert near Sarafand and drank my first cup of tea and ate the first piece of dry bread I was offered, the second World War broke out.

They kept us in their concentration camp for about a fortnight and then they let us go free. A few days later, many of us from the Frossoula were again sailing the waves of the Mediterranean. On another ship and this time quite legally, to enlist in the Czechoslovak foreign legion.

With us on board were the four from Bratislava, the ones who in March 1939 organized the Black Rose Transport to the Promised Land.

Source: http://www.sefarad.org/publication/lm/48/html/page34.html

21-06-2009, 22:34
Εννοεί την Τρίπολη του βόρειου Λιβάνου, φίλε Νικόλα.

Υ.Γ.: Με την ευκαιρία, θέλω να σε ευχαριστήσω και δημοσίως για τους κόπους σου και τα καταπληκτικά άρθρα για τα προπολεμικά πλοία, που μας προσφέρεις κάθε βράδυ!!!

In 1930, the ship was transferred to Elliniki Aktoploia (Hellenic Coast Lines)Pilion and named . Then, she was saved from the 1932 mandatory retirement (she was only 45 years old), renamed Kypros in 1933 and continued for a few more years...

Here is a truly impressive schedule of Kypros from June 1934 that included a stop even in Tripolis, Cyrinaica (now Libya) that by that time had become an Italian colony.


In 1938, the ship was sold to a certain T. Papadimitriou and given a truly unusual name ... Ellhnikos Ypaithron! I know nothing about this shipowner and transformation!

21-06-2009, 22:49
In 1938, the ship was sold to a certain T. Papadimitriou and given a truly unusual name ... Ellhnikos Ypaithron! I know nothing about this shipowner and transformation!

Yποψιάζομαι πως "υποβιβάστηκε" σε φορτηγό. Ο Τ.Παπαδημητρίου είχε τουλάχιστον άλλο ένα φορτηγό, το ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΒΟΥΝΟ που φαίνεται εδώ (http://www.buques.org/Navieras/Vasco%20Asturiana/Vasco%20Asturiana-2_E.htm#Mombeltran)πρώτο-πρώτο, σε Ισπανικά χέρια.

Nicholas Peppas
23-06-2009, 05:52
Εννοεί την Τρίπολη του βόρειου Λιβάνου, φίλε Νικόλα.

Υ.Γ.: Με την ευκαιρία, θέλω να σε ευχαριστήσω και δημοσίως για τους κόπους σου και τα καταπληκτικά άρθρα για τα προπολεμικά πλοία, που μας προσφέρεις κάθε βράδυ!!!

Me epiases! Fysika einai h Tripolis tou Livanou. Eyxaristw

Oso gia ta propolemika ploia, einai h agaph mou. Akolou0oun kai alla siga, siga, opote to epitreyei h douleia mou.

Yποψιάζομαι πως "υποβιβάστηκε" σε φορτηγό. Ο Τ.Παπαδημητρίου είχε τουλάχιστον άλλο ένα φορτηγό, το ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΒΟΥΝΟ που φαίνεται εδώ (http://www.buques.org/Navieras/Vasco%20Asturiana/Vasco%20Asturiana-2_E.htm#Mombeltran)πρώτο-πρώτο, σε Ισπανικά χέρια.

You are right of course. But she did not last very long, perhaps a few months as shw as sold to Mossad for emigrant transfer as Tiger Hill

Pictures from Tiger Hill and other "illegal ships" (1939-40) http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/media_ph.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005519&MediaId=2523

Nicholas Peppas
23-06-2009, 13:35
I had not realized that Tiger Hill started its last trip from Poland. See http://www.semmel.com/stories.htm

In early Sept. 1939, the Germans bombed Radom, on Sept. 6, the Polish army withdrew and the Germans occupied Radom. On or about Sept. 1, Sala departed Radom on a transport organized by the Jewish Agency for Palestine aboard a Hagannah owned ship, the Tiger Hill. There were 800 aboard, including many children. En route to Palestine, the Tiger Hill was contacted by another ship bearing 650 refugees from Czechoslovakia , a transport organized by a group of wealthy young men when the Germans marched into Prague on April 30,1939 and known as the Black Rose Transport. Beset by many problems, The Black Rose transport had had an arduous journey of 127 days and arranged for the transshipment of is passengers onto the Tiger Hill swelling the number aboard to 1417. The Tiger Hill reached Tel Aviv on Sept 3, 1939 and were met by thousands of people assembled to help them escape imprisonment by the British who would not authorize a landing of refugees from Europe. Some from the ship were arrested and detained in camps but they were released shortly thereafter as World War II had begun. The Tiger Hill was the last ship to leave Poland before the horrors of the German occupation ; Sala was the only one in her family to escape.

Also two participants of this forum asked me for better explanation of why the English were against the arrival of Jeweish emigrants to Palestine. Here is a small explanation

Fighting that 'illegal' escape to Palestine brought the plotters in
the Colonial Office together with those in the Foreign Office, and
they called for the armed forces to implement their cruel policy. In
a House of Commons debate on July 20, 1939, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald,
the Colonial Secretary, had to admit that a 'Division of Destroyers'
supported by five smaller launches was being employed to ascertain
that those who had escaped Hitler did not escape the British capture
as they approached Palestine. [PRO House of Commons Debates, July
20, 1939] Those who had fled the German destroyer and his cohorts
were now hunted down by four destroyers of His Majesty's Royal Navy:
HMS Hero (flagship), HMS Havock, HMS Henward, and HMS Hotspur. These
were among Britain's newest and fastest fighting ships -- all four
commissioned just two years earlier. At least one other destroyer,
the Ivanhoe was also used in that lopsided warfare. Those conspiring
in London to block the saving gate of Palestine really meant
business. The ships had been authorized to open fire 'at or into any
ship that was suspected of having illegal immigrants on board and
that did not obey the warning to stand by. [Palestine Gazette,
Extraordinary Issue, April 27, 1939]

They had been authorized to shoot, and shoot they did. Thus it
happened that on the very first day of World War II, on September 1,
1939, while German dive bombers rained death on Warsaw and a dozen
other Polish cities, His Majesty's ship Lorna opened fire on a
rickety overcrowded refugee ship, Tiger Hill, as she approached the
Palestine Coast to unload her cargo of misery, 1417 survivors of
man's inhumanity against man. She did not, could not, heed the order
to turn back toward Germany. The encounter between HMS Lorna and the
Tiger Hill ended with a victory for the Royal Navy. Killed in the
encounter were Dr. Robert Schneider, a young man who had been a
physician in Czechoslovakia before he had been deprived of human
dignity and all possessions; and Zwi Binder, a young pioneer from
Poland whose hopes to till the land peacefully in a Kibbutz died
within sight of the land he had been longing for years to reach.

The first two persons killed by British bullets during World War II
were not Germans but Jewish escapees from the German hell."
Source: Perl, William R. The Holocaust Conspiracy: An International Policy of
Genocide. New York: Shapolsky Publishers, 1989

29-06-2009, 12:46
I had not realized that Tiger Hill started its last trip from Poland. See http://www.semmel.com/stories.htm (http://www.semmel.com/stories.htm)

Eίναι αδύνατο για ένα τέτοιο πλοίο να έκανε το ταξίδι Πολωνία-Χάϊφα σε 2 μόνο μέρες. Απ' όσο γνωρίζω το ταξίδι του ξεκίνησε από τη Βάρνα.

Nicholas Peppas
18-01-2010, 20:40
In 1930, the ship was transferred to Elliniki Aktoploia (Hellenic Coast Lines) and named Pilion. Then, she was saved from the 1932 mandatory retirement (she was only 45 years old), renamed Kypros in 1933 and continued for a few more years...

Ιδου και ενα απο τα δρομολογια του σαν Πηλιον απο την Μακεδονια της 29ης Δεκεμβριου 1931


Nicholas Peppas
23-08-2010, 06:36
Μια σπανια διαφημιση του πλοιου Θρακη στις 4 Μαρτιου 1916 οταν ανηκε ακομη στην Πανελληνιο Ατμοπλοια


Nicholas Peppas
06-09-2010, 23:17
Παραξενη ανακοινωση απο τις 26 Ιουλιου 1924 οχι γιατι παρουσαιζει και τα τρια πλοια μαζι, αλλα γιατι αναφερεται στην Ατμοπλοια Χαμπουρη! Στην πραγματικοτητα Χαμπουρης ηταν ο πρακτορας.. Αλλα το ιδιο συνεβαινε και με τον Ιερωνυμο, τον Καππαρη και αλλους στην Αθηνα...


07-09-2010, 08:26
Μάλλον δεν εννοεί "Ατμ. Χαμπούρη. Στην αγγελία γράφει "...της Πανελληνίου Ατμοπλοϊας" και ακολουθεί η υπογραφή του πράκτορα Χαμπούρη.

Nicholas Peppas
26-10-2013, 07:35
Μια περιγραφη ταξιδιου του πλοιου Ευστρατιος για την Τηνο με την ευκαιρια του Δεκαπενταυγουστου. Ειναι απο τις 17 Αυγουστου 1927 και δημοσιευτηκε στην Σφαιρα.


11-11-2014, 13:31
Ένας πίνακας του 1941 δείχνει τα μισοδιαλυμένα και σκουριασμένα ναυάγια του PARITA και του TIGER HILL (δεξιά) ένα χρόνο μετά την προσάραξη τους.
πηγη (http://www.awm.gov.au/collection/ART30088/)

Όπως αναφέρει η ιστοσελίδα του πλοίου (http://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%98%D7%99%D7%99%D7%92%D7%A8_%D7%94%D7%99%D7%9C) στη wikipedia, το κουφάρι του έμεινε για αρκετά χρόνια στην παραλία και οτι απέμεινε τελικά ανατινάχτηκε και απομακρύνθηκε για να χτιστεί μια μαρίνα.

20-05-2019, 21:29
Μια φωτογραφία του TIGER HILL προσαραγμένο το 1939 στην Παλαιστίνη. Το πλοίο - μαζί με το PARITA και ένα μικρότερο σκάφος - φαινονται σε ένα βίντεο (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RT4xA4_eSkY)της εποχής.