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Θέμα: Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006)

  1. #1
    Jan 2006
    At Sea

    Προεπιλογή Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006)

    Εδώ μπορούμε να αναφερόμαστε στα θέματα της MLC και τον αντίκτηπο στην ναυτιλία και τους ναυτικούς.
    Ας αρχίσουμε με μια ανακείνωση της Ναυτιλιακής Αρχής της Συγκαπούρης για τους μάγειρες και την τροφοδοσία

    he Singapore Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) issued a circular reminding owners, operators, cooks, and masters of requirements of Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006) pertaining to the training of cooks and the provision of food on ships. Responsibilities of shipowners under MLC pertaining to Food and Catering
    MLC Standard A3.2 contains the following mandatory requirements on food
    and catering that shipowners shall ensure on board their ships:
    "(a) food and drinking water supplies, having regard to the number of seafarers on board, their religious requirements and cultural practices as they pertain to food, and the duration and nature of voyage shall be suitable in respect of quantity, nutritional value, quality and variety;
    (b) the organization and equipment of the catering department, shall be such as to permit the provision to seafarers of adequate, varied and nutritious meals prepared and served in hygienic conditions; and
    (c) catering staff shall be properly trained or instructed for their positions."
    Shipowners shall also ensure that seafarers on board their ships are provided with food and drinking water free of charge during the period of engagement.

    Companies are recommended to check the qualifications of crew who are currently working as ship's cooks or trainee cooks. Companies are strongly recommended to arrange for such cooks to attend courses to comply with the requirements of MLC and obtain certificates before August 2013.

    Companies are also recommended to undertake promotional activities to educate ships' masters and crew on nutrition, health, hygiene, storage of food and related activities. Companies may use relevant material from Singapore's Health Promotion Board, International Maritime Organization (IMO), the World Health Organization (WHO) or ILO in these activities. A relevant publication is the WHO Guide to Ship Sanitation (3rd edition) which contains information and detailed guidance on the areas of food, water and catering.

    For more information, click at MPA Singapore Circular No.3/2013

    Στην Ελλάδα ακόμη οι ελληνες ναυτικοί χρεώνονται την τροφοδοσία τους...

  2. #2
    Jan 2006
    At Sea


    Η ITF ετοιμάζεται για ελέγχους της σωστής πιστοποίησης και εφαμοργής των απαιτήσεων της MLC...

    As Malta becomes the 34th ILO member state to ratify the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, the ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation) yesterday gave its cautious approval to the progress made across the shipping world to prepare for the convention's all important coming into force this August. The ITF is actively monitoring efforts to prepare for the MLC's entry into operation - including its own. It believes that the legislation, the first worldwide bill of rights for seafarers, can make a positive difference to everyone serving at sea, irrespective of their nationality and the flag the ship they are on is flying.
    Dave Heindel, chair of the ITF seafarers' section, commented: "The ITF has been involved from the birth of the MLC and so it's only right that we ensure that we and our fellow trade unions are making all necessary efforts to help it achieve the success it deserves. For us that has meant rigorous monitoring, and projects to explain and support the legislation in action - for example in the way we work together with port state control."
    He continued: "The results of that monitoring suggest that satisfactory progress is being made by the majority of organisations and companies to prepare for August. That includes the way the ILO is spreading the word about the need for preparedness, and positive feedback from port state control about readiness for implementation. We were also glad to see the cluster of ratifications recently, including Greece and Finland this month.
    "We are also continuously pushing for further ratifications. Whether they are major port states or flag states, it is vital that everyone involved in shipping has ratified."
    The ITF sees the following as particular strengths of the MLC in how it will affect seafarers:

    • The potential to stop blacklisting and charging for jobs by some manning agents;
    • The recognition of all crew - including hospitality crew on cruise ships - as seafarers, who will now all get the same protections;
    • Enhanced checks by port state control, including of pay problems such as double book-keeping; and
    • The establishment of welfare facilities in ports, and of on-ship safety committees.

    Dave Heindel stated: "Correctly applied, the MLC will undoubtedly benefit seafarers and, through its creation of a level playing field for employers, the wider shipping industry, including all those who are already applying high standards. It is, though, deeply important that progress continues to be made towards the smoothest possible implementation in August - and beyond. For now though, that process is looking good."

    Αραγε οι εταιρίες που εκτελούν διεθνή ταξίδια με τα ΕΓ/ΟΓ θα πάρουν πιστοποίηση; Οι καμπίνες του πληρώματος δέν περνάνε ούτε με σφαίρες... Καλα για την πληρωμή των μοισθών στην ώρα τους δέν μιλάμε... Ξέρετε θα ζητάνε τα Banking receipts οτι τα λευτά μπήκαν στον λογαριασμό και οχι απλα μια δήλωση του ναυτικού

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