Μερικά στοιχεία για το ΛΕΑΝΔΡΟΣ από τα Greek Shipping Directories της δεκαετίας του 1980.
Some more info about LEANDROS taken from The 80s editions of the Greek Shipping Directory.

LEANDROS, built 1973 ("Naus" Philippou Bros S.A., Perama), 980 gt, 67,82m X 12,12 m, Reg. at Piraeus (off. no 4894), IMO 7364807. Call sign SV2331.
Engines : 2 oil 4SA 2640 BHP (Schwermaschinenbau Karl Liebknecht, Magdeburg, Germany).
Renamed DANIA HELLAS in 1996 and converted in 1990 (also re-engined with Mirrless Blackstone engines replacing the old ones).
Owners (~1980 to 1990) : West Africa Shipping Co (Tzafos Dem. & Tzafos Christos, Emm Benaki 1 (Stadiou 54) Athens).